Now with Sakan Equity Finance make use of the value of your property and utilize it as security for further funds. With Sakan Equity If you own a property which is fully paid up and is not mortgaged, you can take advantage of our “Buy and Leaseback” program, which enables you to cash out the equity in your property. Sakan buys the property from you and leases it out to you again in return for a rental payment for a specified financing period, the title of the property is then transferred back to you at the end of the financing period, once all payments have been fulfilled. You will also enjoy a competitive finance rate, speedy procedures and other value added options that allow you to get the ultimate benefit from your finance.
Product Benefits
- Improve your financial life through cashing the equity in your property
- Benefit from your property equity to finance some of life’s larger expenses
- Transparent transactions and no hidden fees
- Ability to prepay in full or inject bulk amounts at any giventime
- Speedy procedures and hassle-free documentation requirements
- Freedom to reschedule your finance terms quickly andconveniently
Product Summary