• Sakan Home Builder Finance

    Sakan Home Builder Finance provides you with the opportunity to build a home the way you've always wanted... Sakan Home Builder Finance helps you make the most out of that opportunity with a speedy and convenient home construction loan program that makes achieving your goals a breeze. Providing generous loan amounts, quick procedures and a convenient repayment plan you'll be able to manage the construction process of your home easier than before. Sakan also gives you control over your payments during the construction phase of your home with an 18 month grace period where you'll pay only the due interest on the amounts that are disbursed. Unlike conventional repayment plans, you'll enjoy extremely affordable start-up installments and then switch to a standard monthly installment for the duration that you choose. Furthermore, you'll rest assured that you've made the right choice by selecting Egypt's most specialized provider of construction finance, backed by a team of specialists in the field of construction, engineering and financing operations. This ensures that you'll have what matters most to you... liquidity and quick access to the funds you need. Why wait? Apply today and take your plans off paper and turn them into a reality.

    Product Benefits

    • Long term financing reaching up to a 15 year repayment period
    • Loan amount of up to EGP 2 million
    • Convenient interest only payments during your construction period allow you to enjoy low start-up monthly installments (up to 18 months)
    • Ability to prepay in full or inject bulk amounts at any given time
    • Speedy procedures and hassle-free documentation requirements
    • Freedom to reschedule your finance terms quickly and conveniently

    Product Summary

    Residential – Ready Built Unit

    2,000,000 EGP

    75 %

    15 Year(s)

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